7 Simple Clothing Hacks to try at Home

1 minute, 58 seconds Read

Wouldn’t it be handy if we had an app on our phones that alerted us the solution to each of our fashion problems? Unfortunately, such an app does not exist (yet) but on the bright side, you can have a read through this article that contains 7 easy clothing hacks to try at home:

7 Simple Clothing Hacks to try at Home

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  1. Removing Deodorant Stains

You can remove those pesky white deodorant stains using a simple makeup wipe. The stain should lift fairly quickly, so its handy to have a few tucked away in your handbag for emergencies.

  1. Save Wardrobe Space

You can save closet and cupboard space by folding your clothes in horizontal rows. This form of clothes organisation ensures that no space is wasted. It also makes it easier to find your clothes in a more neat and tidy manner – no more hauling through that stack of clothes in the corner of the room!

  1. Quality is Important

Ever wonder why your jeans always seem to wear and tear? The quality of the denim is probably extremely poor. Women designer jeans through Cuba Clothing are affordable and offers the best quality denim that womens designer jeans have to offer.

  1. Leg/Boot Warmers

Instead of throwing out your old knitted sweater, chop the sleeves off to create a pair of boot warmers. They will keep your legs warm in the colder months of the year, plus they look really cute!

  1. Get Rid of Yellow Sweat Stains

When you wear a white shirt on a hot day, you may realise later that the sweat stains have turned a bit…yellow. According to Listotic, you can easily remove these yellowish stains by spraying some water mixed with a few drops of lemon juice just before throwing the shirt into the washing machine. It should come out looking brand new.

  1. Waterproof your own Shoes

If you are sick of getting your feet wet, why not try waterproofing your shoes at home? Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? However, many people have found that by rubbing beeswax on the surface of their shoes, they can transform them into waterproof shoes! How amazing is that?

  1. Remove Gum from Clothes

A great way to remove chewing gum from your clothes, (in case of an accident), is to rub ice on the gum. This will eventually harden it enough to allow you to pry it apart from the fabric.

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