Our immune system protects us from bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. It is a complex system and effective defense. Does it influence our diet on the immune system? Emphatically, yes… The immune system is the protection or defense against disease. Given its complexity, it is very difficult to assess the effects of diet on this system. However, the results […]
The coenzyme Q-10 is an enzyme whose properties or functions are intended to make energy being at the same time, a good cardiovascular protector. What is coenzyme Q10? Coenzymes are essential molecules to be carried out many enzymatic reactions in the body. We could say that make our body work more efficiently.
I do not get along with the diets. Not that they do not serve, indeed I think they are very useful when there are health problems or diseases that make it necessary to follow a specific diet (for example in the case of diabetes, high cholesterol, endocrine problems, etc.) Sometimes, however, more frequently than you […]
Do you happen to have an irresistible hunger, a morbid desire for sweets, bread, pizza or pasta? Do you often lose energy, lack of concentration, unjustified mood swings? The Americans would say that you are carb addicted, or carbohydrate – dependent. What does this term mean? Last but not least, is it a real addiction? What are the consequences?
Familiar with the reaction to choose the best cooking methods to preserve the quality of the food you consume. Whenever Whether a food with the heat, make sure that the inside will develop the chemical and / or physical reactions. The most important chemical reaction is that discovered by Louis Camille Maillard, a French chemist […]
The summer is about to end and soon winter will be here and the sun goodbye, at least for a while. Yes, because after years of claims about sun damage it has now emerged a very different picture. Burning in the rays, no doubt, it accelerates skin aging and increases the risk of developing melanoma. […]
This really seems to me a good topic to deal with, now that it is becoming quite common to encounter in the supermarket or in the same bar alternative to the classic milk. But why? It is perhaps a new fashion? I would say no, I just think a good alternative to any breakfast drink […]
It is interesting how a simple packaging of a hair fall protection product may inspire an article. We were just having a look to the elements that make up a complete treatment for hair loss and one of them in particular caught our attention: the black rice. Already knew the fabulous antioxidant properties of this […]
To get a more complete view on protein, you should, if you have not already done so, find a list of the main functions of proteins, learn the meaning of “biological value” and discover how to deduce it from plant foods. If you want to learn more about what are the proteins of animal origin, […]
Many doctors and therapists, when a patient has symptoms unclear or complicated, just think have wheat intolerance why? Wheats and chromosomes All wheats belong to the genus Triticum. The amount of existing throughout history varieties is very wide, so we will try here which are more common for our consumption. We classify the varieties according […]