The World Health Organization (WHO) recently organized the World Conference on Health Promotion in China. Under the title “Health Promotion in the SDGs: Health for all and all for health”, among other things, it has served for the publication of a new infographic in which they offer 12 tips to enjoy good health. Again, these recommendations show that much of good health […]
They are related Astrology and health? There is a new discipline, Medical Astrology investigating the factors that characterize a disease. What expresses the chart? The natal chart of an individual expresses the characteristics of his personality, both those that are dormant as expressing, while highlighting his physical appearance, his destiny, his health and his whole […]
Since nails tell us how our health is through its color, feel free to take a balanced diet to keep them healthy and with a healthy hue. The nails are able to show the state of your health, and can often indicate a disease, which can be seen through marks, lines and color changes in the nails. You can […]
For women with a short luteal phase can be a struggle to conceive. It is essential that there be a sufficient period of time between ovulation and menstruation time expected because fertilized eggs need time to implant in the uterine lining. How to increase the luteal phase? When there is a shortage of time, menstruation appears […]
It is really important to include in our breakfast smoothies high in protein. On the one hand, we will keep appetite in check during the morning; the other will get the necessary energy to start the day. Did you know, for example, that the habit of not have breakfast because, in the long run, an increase […]
You know what you have to do to treat the flu and regain health faster? Follow these tips and you will make. How to Treat a flu without Drugs Some people still think that nothing can be done to treat the flu, but this is far from reality. Here we tell you some helpful tips to […]