Pet shows had their day!

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It is a fact that the UK is a nation of animal lovers and that any TV clip or news story about our furry friends is likely to see us smiling with glee; therefore, it stands to reason that TV show makers have capitalised on this and have created a plethora of shows that feature creatures of all shapes and sizes.

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The UK’s love of all things animal was evident a long time ago, but it came to a head when we voted for a dancing dog and his human friend to win Britain’s Got Talent. In the last few years we have been inundated with TV shows about pets, but now many are wondering whether it is time to press ‘paws’ as we become overwhelmed with animal programmes.

Pet programmes on point

From shows such as Animal Rescue Live to The Supervet, there is a show about just about everything animal related. Feel-good filming is at an all-time high and it seems that viewers just can’t get enough – or can they? The pet programme bubble is surely set to burst eventually as every channel airs feel-good films, clips and series that are in direct competition with YouTube and other sites that produce hours of feline-themed fun or amusing canine antics.

Competition for viewership is high and although it seems that pet programmes can do no wrong, there are some that have pushed the boundary too far, become boring, or have simply lost the plot.

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Relying on the cute factor

For viewers who have a TV simply so that they can watch pet shows, connecting to wifi and getting a smart tele can lead to an endless procession of pet-themed entertainment; however, the problem that now arises is that every pet show is trying too hard and wants to either outdo the other, push its message, or gain favour.  What they need to do is think outside the box and create a new kind of brand that can be released to pull in customers from a different angle.  You could look at logos, photography and graphic design and with a Branding Agency found at links including they would have the best advice for you.  Some of the shows have become saccharine sweet, while others have meandered into the world of the mundane. The reliance on the cute factor can only go on for so long before we start getting back to basics and pet programmes become more interesting, topical and immersive. The bubble will burst, but the attraction of animal-themed shows will always remain.

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