Sunlight and eye discomfort – During the summer one of the most important factors to consider is the sunlight and can strain the eyes that can procure. Today we will talk, in fact, of how to protect the view during the summer, especially paying attention to the sun when you are at sea!
Sunlight and eye discomfort – During the summer one of the most important factors to consider is the sunlight and can strain the eyes that can procure. Today we will talk, in fact, of how to protect the view during the summer, especially paying attention to the sun when you are at sea!
We must never take for granted the health of the eye, even if we are able to adapt to changing light intensity, but in excessive lighting conditions as the summer sea, it is best to take extra precautions.
The risk of excessive exposure to UV radiation of sunlight can cause redness and eye pain, watery eyes, and, in some cases, photophobia.
Photophobia is a feeling of discomfort felt towards a light source, or light in general (sometimes remains even when eyes are closed). This is not a disease, but a symptom, which sometimes is also manifested in response to some diseases of the eyelids as irritation of the cornea or conjunctiva, or even migraine.
So here are some tips to defend themselves from the sun during the summer.
Bring sunglasses
It seems obvious to remember it, but sunglasses help to shield the light and are necessary if you spend much time in the sun. Of course, we talk about sunglasses we remind you to check that they are marked with a sticker of the EEC and level of filtering for Ultra Violet (UV 100% or UV 400nm).
The statistics show that those most at risk, children and the elderly, are precisely the categories that less wear glasses. We recommend that you always think of them first in order to avoid health problems and eye trouble during the summer.
Contact lenses in beach, but carefully!
There we speak today only of sunlight and eye discomfort, but several other problems. Even the sea is possible to use contact lenses, the important and follow simple steps that help the eye does not catch fire.
Do not keep your lenses all day, use disposable lenses and change them when you hear that may have contaminated, in order to avoid the proliferation of bacteria. Also, do not forget to bring your eye drops and artificial tears to rehydrate your eyes tested by: hot, sand, seawater or the swimming pool.
The Eye diet
We often talk about, our diet helps us not only for the beach, but also to preserve the health of the physical. Consume fruits and vegetables in larger quantities it is critical to replenish all fluids and minerals that are lost through sweating in the warm period, but not all.
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We would also recommend the intake of lutein, is a constituent of the retina pigment, very important for the health and proper functioning of the eye, which forms a sort of filter for harmful radiation, and also affects the quality of our sight. Since our body is unable to produce it alone it is very important to understand where we can find it: green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, basil, broccoli leaves); Red radish; green tea; peas and tomatoes.
Specific products for the eyes and contact lenses
Finally, we remind you to take with you anywhere products for the care and hygiene of the eyes and contact lenses. Take a look at the eye line benexè, you take little to avoid hassles and irritations!
Sunlight and eye discomfort: protect the view in the summer – it is an article, which is part of the series of studies of the blog Living Well to spend a summer of well-being!