Raising your children
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9 tips to enjoy raising your children

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Raising children is one of the most difficult tasks and comforting the world, and one for which feel that you are never prepared, here we have 9 tips for raising a child that can help you feel more fulfilled as a parent and also to enjoy more of this stage.

1. Encourage your self-esteem

Children begin to develop their sense of self as babies when they see themselves through the eyes of their parents. Your children assimilate your voice, your body language and all your expressions. Your words and actions as a parent have an impact on developing self-esteem more than anything else. Praising accomplishments, however small, that your children will be proud; let them do things for themselves will make them feel that they are capable and strong. By contrast, belittling comments or negative comparisons with other children will make them feel useless.

Raising your children
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Avoid making loaded statements or using words. Comments such as “What nonsense!” or “You act more like a baby!” They can cause the same damage as physical blows. Choose your words carefully and be compassionate. Teach them that everyone makes mistakes and that you still love them, even when they do not approve of their behavior.

2. Recognizes the good deeds

Think how many times a day you react negatively to your kids? You may realize that the criticism many more times than the felicities.

The more positive approach is to recognize the good deeds of the children: “You did the job without being asked, that’s great!” or “You picked up your toys!. These statements will do more to encourage long-term continuing reprimands good behavior.

Ask yourself the firm intention to praise every day. Be generous with rewards: your love, your hugs and compliments can work wonders and are often reward enough. You will soon discover that you are “growing” more of the behavior you want to see.

3. Set limits and be consistent with discipline

The limits are needed, help the children to learn that things are safe and which are not. You may put your child test the limits you set for him, but this is part of growing up and help you become a responsible adult…

It is recommended that you implement a system: a row notices consequences, which can be a penance or loss of privileges. A common mistake made by parents is not to proceed with the consequences. You cannot discipline a child for talking back one day and ignore it the next day. Being consistent teaches what you expect.

4. Take time for your children

It is often difficult for parents and children together for a family meal or alone spends quality time together. However, it is the most valued of us as parents. Children who do not get the attention they want from their parents often act out or misbehave because that way, they are sure to get their attention.

Program a “special night” each week to be together and let your kids help decide how to spend time. Look for other ways of relating, for example, leave a message affectionate somewhere where I can find him.

Make yourself available whenever you require your child to talk or need to participate in a special activity. You should not feel guilty if you are a working parent. Children remember those special moments you spend them and not take an account of the hours you spend with them. However, we have discuss another article about 10 Things you should never miss in the child’s bedroom hope you will like this.

5. Be a good role model

Young children learn a lot about how to act by watching their parents. The smaller, they imitate. Before you lash out or blow against your child, think as if you want him to behave.

Exemplifies the qualities we want to cultivate in your kids: respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness, tolerance, generosity.

6. Prioritize communication

You cannot expect kids to do everything simply because “that you ask.” They want and deserve explanations as adults. If you do not take time to explain, kids will begin to question our values ​​and motives and whether they have any basis. Parents who reason with their kids allow them to understand and learn without making value judgments.

Make suggestions and offer suggestions, help them learn that every action carries a consequence. Listen to their suggestions, negotiates. Children participating in decision-making are more motivated to carry them out.

7. Be flexible to adapt your parenting style

If your child’s behavior often disappoints you, maybe it is because your expectations are unrealistic. Sometimes children mature at different rates and it is natural for some, for others it is not.

The environment surrounding children has an impact on their behavior; therefore, you can change this behavior if you modify the environment. If you continually have to say “no” to your 2 years looking for ways to restructure the environment to be less forbidden things. This will be less frustrating for both.

As your child changes, you’ll have to gradually change your parenting style. Chances are that what today is effective with your child now will not work as well in one or two years.

8. Show that your love is unconditional

As a parent, you are responsible for correcting and guiding your kids. However, the way you express corrective orientation has a great influence on the way in which a child receives. When you have to confront your child, avoid blaming, to criticize or find fault; this can undermine self-esteem and cause resentment. However, strive to educate and encourage, even when disciplines. Make sure they know that although you want and expect better next time, your love is unconditional.

9. Accept your limitations

A daily parenting is learned, recognizes your strengths and weaknesses. Try to have realistic for you and your children expectations.

Focus on the areas that need the most attention rather than trying to tackle everything at once. Admit when you feel exhausted dedicate yourself time to catch your breath and move on.

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