Gifts for Book Lovers

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If you have a bookworm (bibliophile, lover of books, bibliophilist, bookarazzi, or librocubicularist) in your life, you’ve probably given a lot of books as gifts. Of course, this particular habit shouldn’t stop. The true way to the heart of your book-bosomed loved one is through the gift of a wonderful book. However, you can boost the impact of a new-smelling novel with a coordinating bookmark or similar treasure.

Book-Scented Candles

Does your loved one adore bibliosmia, or the act of sniffing the pages of new and old books? Bookstores that offer ancient tomes in addition to freshly printed paperbacks offer a variety of delicious scents to the delight of book-smelling fanatics. You can encourage and please your literature-hungry friend with new, old, antique, and public library-scented candles.

Customized Library Stamp

The custom library stamp is a clear favorite of home library builders everywhere. Whether you prefer the type that uses ink or embossing, your book-collecting friend will probably enjoy acting out the part of the librarian as much as seeing this personalized mark on the inside cover of cherished library additions. Of course, you could also choose a box of antiquarian bookplates that include quotes from some of the most beloved authors. Just imagine how delighted your reader will be if you throw in a set of customized bookmarks for sale online.

Reading Journal

You may think that your friend, when deeply absorbed by the current book, is entirely focused on the act of reading. However, many word-loving readers are also busy enjoying the flow of words or creating new ideas or pondering where this author has been and has the author written any more books. Hand your friend or family member a reading journal with plenty of room for jotting down notes, keeping track of favorite titles and authors, and making new to-read lists. Of course, if you throw in a pen or pencil with a favorite quote or some other literary reference, and you may earn the right to smell books with your loved one!

What gift ideas have you found that delight and warm the heart of your bookworm? Share your ideas with others who tend to peer at their friends through the pages of yet another book.

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