How to choose a silicone sealant

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Silicone sealant is the adhesive of choice for most sealing requirements. Cracks, gaps and joints can all be easily sealed with silicone, and its adhesive properties make it ideal for glueing in certain scenarios. When it comes to choosing the right sealant for the job, this article should help clear up confusion and doubts, and help you make the best selection.

Types of Sealants

Although the sealants we’re going to mention differ in their applications, they all share many of the same properties. Those are water, temperature, and mildew resistance, elasticity, robustness and versatility, among other qualities.

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As for the actual varieties available, you can find all sorts of specialised sealants, such as a bathroom sealant, kitchen sealant and electrical sealant. You can find expert advice and services for specific applications – such as bathtub sealing – online, such as here

Many sealants are self-explanatory in their uses, with the general-purpose and high-temperature sealant options speaking for themselves. Inside, outside and around your home, there is a distinct sealant crafted specifically for that purpose – roofing sealant, concrete sealant, marine sealant. the list goes on.

We’ve broken down some common factors that necessitate the use of a sealant and provided ideal choices for each.


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Your needs will typically depend on variables, such as environmental conditions. If the sealant is employed somewhere where temperatures and UV exposure can fluctuate, you likely need a weatherproof silicone sealant. As mentioned earlier, certain sealants can be tailored to more specific needs, such as roofing or concrete.

You also need to consider the material your sealant will be interacting with, as metal will respond differently to glass, for example. It’s worth noting that silicone sealants are not the only type, with polyurethane and acrylic sealants also available, each boasting their own specific uses. More info can be found here.

Regardless, silicone sealants excel at waterproofing, being your best choice as a bathroom sealant (for baths, sinks, and showers), and as a general marine sealant. Silicone sealants are also great thanks to their resistance to salt water, allowing for even more specified usage.

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