Did you know that vitamin C and antioxidants of orange is a perfect ally against aging and gastrointestinal problems? By consuming juice daily will get multiple benefits.
Our grandmothers tell us that, not sick, we have to eat oranges (or drinking the juice). However, the citruses are many more benefits to offer especially if you eat at breakfast. The following article will tell you some of the advantages to enjoy these rich fruits first thing in the morning.
Citrus properties (not know)
The idea is to demystify the great power of oranges, lemons and tangerines, but not to deny their ability to boost the immune system, but to know that they have many more properties.
Beyond help cure a cold (or avoid suffer) because of its contribution of vitamin C, citrus has much more to offer. It is an inexhaustible mine of natural benefits that worth taking at any time of year.

Care and skin tone
Tangerines give us medicinal and cosmetic benefits thanks to vitamin C. Not only have we had to consume, but also serves as a main ingredient in a homemade mask.
For what do you use it? To tone the skin, remove impurities and treat irritations. However, as regards the fruit intake is known to improve the blood circulation.
Reduce stress
Oranges in particular are very good allies in your battle against fatigue, chronic fatigue and nerves. This is because it has very beneficial substances (including calcium, iron and magnesium) that reduce stress. Also these elements enhance vision, improve intestinal transit and strengthen bones.
Thanks to citrus acids and minerals orange improves our mood. Why it is so rich advised to drink juice in the morning. Smiles guaranteed for the whole day!
Post-holiday syndrome treat
Lemon combat viral diseases and it helps us lose weight. However, it has also been proven that serves to eliminate depression, apathy and lack of concentration so prevalent once we returned to work after the holidays.
This syndrome brings anxiety, moodiness and headaches can simply try adding this citrus fruit to salads. In turn we recommend taking lemon tea in the morning (half an hour before breakfast) to feel livelier and balance emotions.
Fight insomnia
In this case we will use another part of the tree (not the fruit). The orange leaves are ideal to relax when going to bed. Unlike the juice, it is advisable to drink tea at night to get these results.
Its sedative properties make that in a few minutes falling or sleep and rest accordingly. During the day (including breakfast) this tea can help lower the fever, soothe headaches and treat digestive problems, especially when they are caused by stress and nerves.
Eliminate toxins
Grapefruit or grapefruit is the least known among citrus, but has wonderful cleansing properties. It is ideal to eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body.
As if this were not enough, this fruit also helps us to:
- Prevent anemia.
- Reduce blood cholesterol levels.
- Lower high blood pressure.
- Balance the amount of sugar in the blood.
In turn it has antiseptic properties. If consumed grapefruit juice fasting can burn off accumulated fat in the stomach area.
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Orange juice is still the best option
Beyond the benefits of lemon, tangerine or grapefruit, nobody can deny that the orange is the star of the morning at home. Coffee or tea, some milk, toast and … orange juice. If freshly squeezed, much better. Like other citrus fruits, this fruit increases the secretion of bile and stimulates the emptying of the gallbladder. Therefore, to reduce this imbalance related disorders: stomach heaviness, headaches, pressure in the right side of the abdomen, etc.
Many people avoid drinking orange juice fasting because when the stomach is empty and increases the amount of bile causes like vomiting or stomach pain.
However it would have to endure these mild discomfort to reap the benefits such as blood hemoglobin and control body weight.
Oranges have a good amount of antioxidants. These bind vitamin C to combat aging and relieve gastrointestinal problems (e.g. ulcers and gastritis). They also help improve wound healing or postoperative accelerate processes and prevent disease.
The best choice for breakfast
If so valued the orange juice you add a tablespoon of honey (to reduce the bitter taste of some species or slightly acid) complementary your breakfast. This ingredient with carbohydrates and essential sugars is a kind of fuel for the body. It shall not lack energy throughout the day! A good idea to enjoy all the benefits of citrus since the early hours of the morning is to prepare a “combined” juice.
- 1 orange
- ½ lemon
- ½ carrot
- ½ apple
- Peel the carrots and cut into slices.
- Squeeze the juice from the orange and lemon.
- Coring of the apple and cut into cubes.
- Happens all the blender and process for a few seconds.
- If you want, add a little honey to sweeten.
- Drink immediately (if too thick can add a little water or ice cubes in summer).