How is Firewood Packed and Delivered?

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Firewood is usually delivered in bulk bags. When you buy them, you can expect a mix of different diameters – thinner bits for the base of your fire and fat logs for a long, slow burn.  Alternatively, you can save money by not having to join a gym.

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Face cord

Firewood is measured in ricks and face cords, two different sizes of wood stacks. The terms rick and face cord mean different things, depending on whom you ask. A rick is equivalent to eight feet by four feet, or a face that is 32 square feet. If you’re ordering firewood, you’ll need to know which of these two sizes corresponds to your needs. If you’re not sure, here’s a general idea: A rick is four feet long by eight feet wide and 16 inches deep.

A face cord is roughly one-third of a full cord and a quarter cord equals about fifteen bundles. A quarter cord, on the other hand, is six feet wide by four feet deep. A full cord is approximately 128 cubic feet, while a face cord is only one-third of a full cord. It’s important to note that firewood shrinks to about nine to seven cubic feet during delivery.

While the price of firewood varies by type and size, it can be easier to compare face cord and full-cord prices. By comparing the prices of different types of wood, you can see which is better for your firewood. Face cord firewood is typically more expensive than full-cord firewood, but it’s important to remember that a face cord can contain the same amount of wood as a full cord. Consult with the Cutting Edge Firewood Los Angeles firewood sales and delivery to learn more.Full cord

A cord of wood is a standard unit of firewood measurement. Firewood suppliers charge by cord. However, not all cords are equal. They can vary in size, packing style, and type. Before buying a cord of wood, make sure to compare the price and availability. This way, you can avoid wasting money and time on wood that doesn’t burn.

First, a full cord of wood is roughly 128 cubic feet. The measurement is based on a four-by-four-by-eight-foot stack. When the wood is tightly packed, the wood has more solid wood per cord. Secondly, crisscrossing the wood pieces allows for more air space between the pieces. Compared to a loose, unstacked pile of wood, a cord of firewood weighs around 180 cubic feet per cord.

Getting a full cord of firewood can be confusing because not every supplier follows the same rules. While full cord and bush cord are usually considered the same, there are many exceptions. A “face cord” is a single stack of firewood that is four feet high and eight feet wide. There are also other terms for full cords, including stove cord and bush cord. When you’re ready to burn firewood, it’s important to know what you’re getting.


When it comes to storing your firewood, it is important to know how it’s packed and delivered. Depending on the type of wood, the energy content can vary from 15.5 to 32 million British thermal units per cord. A cord of firewood contains around 4 to 9 GJ/m3. As you would expect, dry wood has more energy per gram than green wood. The moisture content can also affect the heat output, so if it’s too moist, it will be difficult to achieve heat.

When it comes to cost, firewood is usually packed in bundles that can vary greatly. One supplier in Maine charges $295 for a cord while another in Wisconsin charges $487. Firewood delivered in this manner is a great way to avoid shipping costs because the wood is already seasoned. Bundles are also easy to transport because they are wrapped in sturdy plastic and have a handle on top. For quick fire pits, bundles are also convenient, especially when purchased from a retail outlet.

A cord of firewood is roughly 128 cubic feet. It’s typically 8 feet long by 4 feet high and is one log deep. Because of differences in log size, firewood is often sold by the face cord, which is about 1/3 of a cord. Firewood is stacked with the bark facing upward, which keeps standing water away. Wood stored near a building is more likely to become infested by termites, so the best way to store your firewood is away from the house.

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