There could be many reasons for a company to ask its employees to relocate to a different area, whether it be on a temporary or long-term basis. When an employee has built a life in one location, a company must take steps to cause as little upheaval as possible and ensure that both themselves and their employee are protected.
What should employers consider when asking an employee to relocate?
When someone is hired, their contract may contain a clear and obvious or implied mobility clause, stating that the company may require an employee to relocate within a set area where the company may operate. Depending on the type of business, this could mean locally, nationally or even internationally. What is often not spelled out is employer expectations from an employee when it comes to relocation.
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Terms of relocation
Once a company has received an agreement in principle from the employee, what follows is a process of ensuring all terms are carefully set down and agreed by all parties. This should form the basis of a legal contract, so everyone is clear, protected and there is a framework in place should any issues arise further down the line.
Included in these terms will be details such as pay and benefits (any additional travel allowances for example), duration of relocation, which costs are covered, and which are not, and any conditions applied during the relocation period.
There is no one size fits all for relocation and each scenario and situation is bound to be different, so there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers. When an agreement for the terms of relocation is reached by all parties, it forms a contract of employment, and a complex one at that! Each contract will be different and centred around the personal circumstances of each individual employee and the commercial viability of the move.
As there are so many important legal considerations, many companies choose to use a business that specialises in Employee Relocation services. Experts in their field, companies like DT Moving provide employee relocation services that include everything from legal help, removal advice and in country settling support. that will also need to be in hand before either party signs on the dotted line, as leaving these to chance could potentially create problems further down the line.
It is crucial for employers to consider every aspect of the relocation, alongside any queries or concerns their employee may have, before signing an agreement that is mutually beneficial for both parties.