Accommodation Options When you Go to University

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Now is the time that many young adults head off to university for the first time, and for most this is their first taste of independent living. If this is your final year at school or college before university, there are lots of things to think about now to make sure that you get the university experience that you can enjoy to its full potential.

One of the things that you will need to start thinking about is your university accommodation. Once you know where you are going to go for university, you need to consider your accommodation choices – the earlier that you start to think about this, the better your options will be when the time comes. Here are some of the choices…

Halls – Many students will live in halls for their first year, and for many this offers the fullest experience as you get straight into student life and live amongst other students. This also means that you are located near the university, so you don’t need to worry about travelling.

Private Accommodation – If you want to live with other students but prefer not to be in halls, there are lots of private rental options like this accommodation Exeter uni based provider available. You may find this preferable as you will have more independence, space away from uni life when you want it and more choice of accommodation.

Commuting from Home – If you choose to attend a university near to where you live, moving may not be the best option for you. There is no hassle of having to move or settle into a new place, and you can also save money by living at home whilst you are at university.

However, this may mean that you have less opportunities to socialise.

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