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Is it possible that wheat is not as healthy as it seems

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Many doctors and therapists, when a patient has symptoms unclear or complicated, just think have wheat intolerance why?

Wheats and chromosomes

All wheats belong to the genus Triticum. The amount of existing throughout history varieties is very wide, so we will try here which are more common for our consumption.

We classify the varieties according to the number of chromosomes, as this allows us to identify the characteristics of assimilation of each variety.

  • Einkorn wheat or einkorn. The only existing variety, having it finds dating more than 22,000 years ago. It is the wheat of the Pharaohs, and is known as cultivated einkorn wheat. It contains 7 chromosomes.
  • Triticum dicoccoides or spelled. One of the oldest varieties, also known as wild emmer wheat. It fell subspecies of durum wheat. It contains 14 chromosomes.
  • Triticum turgidum. There is a variety called Khorasan, sold under the trade mark kamut. It is an inherited ancient grain varieties grain of the earth, and it is not indigenous to Egypt. It contains 14 chromosomes.
  • Triticum emmer or spelled. Known as greater einkorn or greater spelled.Descendant of wild einkorn, with which not confuse. It contains 21 chromosomes.
  • Triticum didoccum or farro. It is a cereal that is related to spelled and spelled, but not the same variety. It contains 28 chromosomes.
  • Triticum aestivum or Triticum vulgare. Also called bread wheat, is the first we know breadmaking wheat. It contains 42 chromosomes. It is the one that produces more wheat intolerance.

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How is the current wheat and how we got to it?

The chromosomes of each grain, are required to detect a variety assimilation respect to each other. A more number of chromosomes, their assimilation by the organism becomes more complicated.

Older varieties are those that more closely resemble their wild varieties, which means they have a low production for large scale cultivation. The current wheat is at the end of this chain, and the variety that we consume today comes from a series of genetic crosses that naming them would not have enough space in this article.

Common wheat is genetically modified to be mass production. It has been achieved that is very resistant to chemicals and pesticides, being even impossible to cultivate without using them. It has nothing to do with its primary varieties. Actually, it is given the same name, but its structure is different, which also entails being studied as may be affecting our health.

Why wheat has been so successful in our diet?

Wheat has been so successful for its malleable ability, because they can make much kind of different recipes, because in our society the consumption of bakery products is very high. Elaborations of pastries that are made with common wheat, are widely accepted, and we have made sweet on an altar.

Producers have bet heavily on this by-product of cereal. It has been created to achieve high profitability, good taste, excellent texture, hold to pesticides and storage capacity. However, none of its creators thought about the benefits to our health. That point was isolated, hence the major current issues wheat generated in the population.

You may also like to read another article on Srewang: What is healthy eating?

Did you know…?

More and more specialists to serious illnesses or chronic prove to suppress the wheat and all foods made with him for several months. Others besides wheat, eliminate all foods containing gluten (wheat, barley, rye and oats).

There really surprising cases.

Possible harmful effects on our health

These are some of the possible symptoms of wheat intolerance:

  • Gluten intolerance.
  • Inflammatory effects on the digestive system (abdominal swelling without apparent logic).
  • Partner of obesity (appetite stimulant).
  • Increased blood glucose levels.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Skin rash.
  • PH imbalance.
  • Disease to the bones and cartilage.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • Creating exorphins, creating dependency on their intake.
  • Precursor of diabetes and aging.

Alternatives to common wheat

It is important that you become a serious approach to your health. You must shelve consumption products and products made with common wheat, because all they are doing is poison your blood and body. It is intolerance to wheat.

If you like wheat, and products made with it, as well as semolina, couscous and bulgur; always Buy organic farming and consumption balances throughout the week.

Join your diet spelled, kamut and farro. Spelt is more difficult to find but research is also part of your diet.

Consumes products comprehensively, and reviews its information. If you say the bakery is green, which show you their processing or packaging package came from.

You assume an active role in your health, it also involves changes in your environment and feed when you cannot let you sell a toxic, rather than a food.

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