Why park home living could be ideal for an older person

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There are a variety of concerns that become more common as you age. Increasing health problems can present challenges, especially if you’re living alone. For many people, the priority is finding a way to preserve their independence whilst still accessing any necessary support. Park home living may be a way to reconcile these two challenges.

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It can be scary to have to leave your home, especially you have lived there for many years. Despite this, if your health is in danger – for example, if you fall regularly and there is no one to help you back to your feet – you may have to find accommodation more suited to your needs.

Care homes

You probably do not want to worry your family by asking for help. You may consider a care home, but to go from completely independent living to sharing your home with other residents and nurses is a big step. You may find yourself following other people’s schedules or unable to participate in the activities you enjoy most. You will become more reliant on the people around you.

Park homes

Luckily, there is an alternative. Residential parks give you a space of your own whilst also making sure you are in easy contact with neighbours. A mobile home is easier to manage than a house, and with a range of people in similar situations surrounding you, you will never be short of someone to talk to or to offer you help if needed. You can find park homes for sale from companies such as http://www.parkhomelife.com.

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A residential park is its own community, and like any community, you can participate in shared events such as walks or meals. You can probably find a companion for any hobby you enjoy. If you want tea and cake, there is no shortage of people to visit or who will visit you. You may also be eligible for home care visits and support. Your local council should be able to advise you on what services are available in your area.

Park home living may not be the most obvious choice if you are looking for a home in your old age, but it may be able to provide the balance between independence and community that you need. It is an option well worth considering.

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