You’re comfortable in your favourite knitting spot, cracking on with your latest favourite project and unwinding in the form of a gorgeous knitting session. But oh no! Your tummy starts to rumble and your thoughts turn to the contents of your fridge. You don’t want to stop knitting to prepare a meal, so a snack is in order – but what snacks are most compatible with your knitting hobby?
Knitting and mess don’t mix
The last thing you want to do is spoil your knitting project with remnants of your snack. To avoid this happening, we’re going to steer clear of anything wet, sticky, greasy or dark in colour (no one wants raspberry juice on that white chunky yarn sweater). Buttery toast, jam doughnuts or juicy peaches are out – stick to dry snacks to avoid getting drips on your project.
Ideally, you’ll be looking for a snack to give you a bit of energy, too. Knitting takes quite a bit of energy and low blood sugar could also affect how well you can focus.
What is the least risky snack?
So, we’ve ruled out anything sticky or messy, and we know we want something to give us a little energy boost to get that Wool Couture knitting project done.
Our top choice is grapes – green, preferably. Mess-free, easy to eat and they don’t leave sticky residue on your fingers which may transfer to your project. Grapes are also great for helping you concentrate, according to BBC Good Food:
Our next best suggestion is cubes of cheese. Again, these are a low-mess snack and that protein gives you a nice steady energy release. Or how about a bowl of chopped veg? Cucumber and carrot sticks are tasty and healthy, and there is little risk of spoiling that gorgeous project.
Other great ideas might be cubes of pale-coloured fruit which you can eat with a fork – maybe melon or sliced apple. And if it’s a sugar rush you’re after, reach for sweeties rather than chocolate, to avoid melted chocolate marks on your knitting. Bon appetit!