Many people, who have had a heart attack, need care, care and follow a certain diet. The diet of people with myocardial infarction is extremely important because of the power recovery depends on the patient.
After such as myocardial man needs serious care, because the slightest tension, physical activity and harmful diet can lead to irreparable consequences. A man who had a heart attack, it needs a balanced diet, which will in its state of maximum benefit and not cause damage to the heart.

The first where to start, we will discuss a list of products that absolutely cannot eat during the transferred heart attack. Make sure that in the food was at least food that contains fat, and has a lot of calories, such products include fatty foods, meat, oil-rich, fatty fish, egg yolk, sausages, canned goods, broths and soups cooked on a greasy broth, sugar. Also, after a recent heart attack, the patient cannot eat milk, bakery products, especially fresh baked, cabbage, beans, peas, soda. And of course do not forget the chocolate, spicy foods, coffee and strong tea, alcohol. The salt can be consumed only in moderation, and preferably nothing. You also cannot eat too hot or cold food.
What needs to be there after myocardial? In the diet, type vegetable oil, such as olive oil. Also fruit, which will contribute to the good of the patient, are particularly useful in this period of bananas and apricots, which contain a lot of potassium, which is needed for the heart. It is important in the day to eat 1 banana and some fresh apricots or dried apricots. You can also drink compote of dried fruits, adding stewed apricots. For a heart patient it is important to cook fresh food, boiled, baked or stewed, it is important to eat small meals 5-6 times a day. Be sure to eat the food warm. In the early days, after suffering a seizure, the patient cannot eat, in this period it is important to drink broth hips in the form of heat, non-carbonated mineral water, stewed cranberries, all of which should be warm or in any case not cold, drink up to 10 times smaller doses.
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After a few days in the diet can include the lungs, cooked in vegetable broth soup, the soup is better to add rice or barley cereals. You can also cook the cutlets of chicken necessarily steamed fish low-fat varieties suitable, boiled or steamed. Also dairy products may be administered, for example, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, nonfat yogurt. Of cereals can be cooked buckwheat, semolina, oats, rice. From drinks will be useful juices from carrots, beets, stewed cranberries, dried fruit, light green tea with honey and lemon. It is very important that the products were warm. It is not necessary to force the patient to eat, if he does not want, it is important to eat meals offered in smaller portions.
The diet of people who have suffered a myocardial infarction
Sample menu in the first days of illness …
Breakfast: 100 g grated cheese with banana, diluted orange juice, 150 g
Lunch: 100 g of fresh apricot puree.
Afternoon tea: One banana, light green tea with honey.
When it takes some time recovering from the disease in the patient’s diet can make rye bread, not fresh, and tomato, beet, carrot juice, mashed potatoes, cauliflower. You can prepare meals in the milk, semolina, rice, porridge, tea with milk.
Sample menu in 3 weeks after illness
Breakfast: Oatmeal not milk 200 g, tea faint green with honey.
Lunch: One banana.
Afternoon tea: 100 g of dried apricots.
Dinner: Buckwheat 200 g, 100 g, baked fish, stewed fruit 150 g