When you hear of blood sugar, it is defined as the present value of sugar concentration in your blood. To measure fasting plasma glucose (that is, the basic values of the glucose present in the blood) you need to play a test in the morning, fasting for at least 8-12 hours.
This test is done when there is the possibility of diagnosis of diabetes or to check the results of a cure for diabetes. But what are these normal values? What are the optimal values of blood glucose? Find out in our article.

Normal blood glucose values
The standard considered normal parameters must be between the ages of 60 and 100mg / dl. After meals, this value changes considerably and can reach values between 130-150mg / dl, acquiring the name of postprandial blood glucose.
To help you better in this analysis, we add that under fasting conditions, a healthy patient has a blood glucose level that falls below 55-60mg / dl. If the person is at risk for diabetes factors such as family history, obesity, older than 50 years, glucose intolerance, hypertriglyceridemia or hypercholesterolemia, it is critical to perform a glucose tolerance test for diagnosing pre-diabetes. It is also very important to know all the symptoms of diabetes and causes in order to be better informed and not to confuse the disease with other problems.
For those with diabetes is carried out another test, the glycated hemoglobin test, the results of which allow you to monitor the optimal values of blood glucose in the patient over a period of 3 months. The purpose of this test is double: first identifies the average values of a patient suffering from diabetes, and also it is possible to identify any complications due to this disease.
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Blood glucose values to the limit
In the case where the blood glucose certifying of values below the normal ones, a thorough investigation is needed because the factors that can affect in this sense are manifold. Drugs beta-blockers, for example, can affect considerably lowering them values, or a prolonged fasting or cases of hypothyroidism and hyperthermia.
In the case of high blood sugar, identify factors is simpler: contraceptive drugs or diuretics may increase the normal values, but also stress or kidney failure, until you get to diabetes mellitus. If you exceed the optimal blood glucose, contact your doctor immediately to rule out or prove diabetes: the practitioner will make you perform specific tests to measure your level of cholesterol, triglycerides, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and blood glucose fasting and after meals, just like you we anticipated earlier. It is also made an analysis of the symptoms, whether or not related to the possible pathology, such as a sudden loss of weight or a considerable increase urine.