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Shakes to reduce belly and get a narrow waist

3 minutes, 22 seconds Read

Thanks to the properties of its ingredients, in addition to reducing belly, stabilize our intestinal transit and eliminate excess fluids get, plus extra energy.

When we care food we get a balanced weight. However, there are parts of the body that sometimes we resist more, as they may be related to the functioning of some organs, and not just excess calories.

One of these areas is the waist, so in this article we focus on how to reduce belly in a simple and pleasant way. Discover these miraculous shakes that will help you reduce belly while enjoying a delicious taste.

reduce belly
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Foods to reduce belly

So is. To lose weight, it is important to control not only calories, but also good food choices that will consume as many of them have beneficial health properties that are reflected in our appearance. We need food to reduce stomach with the following properties…


Are foods that help us to remove fluids that accumulate in our body and make us bloated and heavy. The belly is one of the areas where we can suffer fluid retention.


In many cases, the stomach is also related to intestinal inflammation due to constipation. We choose, therefore, natural and mild laxatives that promote intestinal transit and help us regulate the function of this organ.

Hormonal regulators

The accumulation of fat in the belly can also be related to hormonal disorders. This would explain why some people find it hard to both reduce belly despite being thin.

You can also accumulate on the inner thighs. Foods that act as hormone regulators will help us balance ourselves naturally and even benefit us in other ways.

Head over to smoothies

The shakes are an easy and pleasant way to consume food that we provide medicinal benefits. We can include a lot of foods and even supplements and the batter continues to have good taste.

Moreover, they are easy to drink, are very satisfying and give us a good dose of energy. The most appropriate time to take them is in the morning, for breakfast, but also could take them in the afternoon.

We propose three milkshakes to reduce belly. However, we can combine the ingredients to be changing and discover new flavors.

1. Shake apple and maca


  • Two green apples.
  • Rasa tablespoon teaspoon of maca powder (10 g)
  • ¾ glass of water or vegetable drink (150 ml)

This batter is smooth and creamy, and allows us to combine the benefits of fresh fruit with medicinal properties of a supplement.


We need to be apple green, as this will allow us to consume their peeling safely. This fruit help to regulate intestinal transit of very soft and effectively.


The maca is an Andean tuber that, besides being a very energetic and stimulating food, has the ability to regulate the hormonal system.

You may also like to read another article on Srewang: 8 tips for a flat stomach and a healthier life

2. Shake pineapple and chia


  • A thick slice of pineapple fresh.
  • A tablespoon of chia seeds (10 g)
  • ¾ glass of water (150 ml)

This smoothie is sweet and tropical, and hides amazing properties to reduce belly:


This fruit is diuretic and digestive, why is included in many diets.

Chia seeds

These seeds are increasingly fashionable because we provide essential fatty acids and regulate intestinal transit. We put them to soak the night before.

3. Smoothie kiwi and coconut


  • Two ripe kiwis
  • One tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil (15 g) or ½ cup of coconut water or coconut milk (100 ml)
  • Water (if necessary)

Another tropical smoothie and intense, yet soft flavor, thanks to its two ingredients.


This fruit is the most effective remedy for many people who want to prevent or combat constipation because, if taken on an empty stomach, have almost immediate effects.


Every time we talk over the medicinal properties of coconut. Both water, such as milk or coconut oil are ingredients that, despite its calorie content, give us healthy fats will help us reduce belly.

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