College can be very busy and you may think that free time is a myth. However, you will be pleasantly surprised when you finally get a few days to step back and relax. What you have to realize is that you need this free time because you could lose your mind otherwise. Indeed, stress is no laughing matter, especially in college when stress levels can rise to alarming rates.
During your time off, you want to rest and relax, but you also want to catch up on projects you’ve fallen behind on or get a head start on upcoming work. Being productive in other ways is crucial if you want to keep a balance between your personal life and school life. If the scales are tipped in either direction, you may not succeed in college. Here is how to be productive during your free time in college.
Get Plenty of Exercise
If you start every morning with a run or some other type of workout, then you will effectively be speeding up your metabolism dramatically. This means that you will be able to convert your meals into energy much faster and get more done throughout the day. If you don’t get any exercise then you will have a hard time breaking through the fatigue and the fog, plus you will start to gain weight.
Make Resolutions for Next Semester
When you have down time between semesters, or even during holiday breaks, it’s always a good idea to start setting some resolutions and making plans for when you return to school. Whether it’s getting all the supplies you need to stay organized, setting goals for yourself that can be tracked and measured, or getting a head start on required reading. So long as you are finding ways to make life easier once you jump back into all of your classes, you are doing something productive.
Clean Up Your Dorm or Apartment.
At the end of the semester or any long stretch between holidays, there’s a good chance that your room will look like a tornado hit it. That’s because cleaning your room is usually the last thing on your mind when you have exams, papers, and projects to complete in multiple classes. If you have a job as well, then things can get pretty out of hand. That’s why school breaks are always a perfect time to get your room clean and organized.
Research Classes and Required Credits
If you are earning Northeastern’s masters in finance, then there are a lot of courses that you need to take before you can graduate. If you are not sure how many more credits or classes you need, then you should definitely take a look online at your requirements for graduation and make sure that you are on track to completing it all before your planned graduation date.
Declare a Major.
If you still haven’t declared your major, then you should definitely be using your break time to sort that out. By now, you have probably taken quite a few of your general education courses and met several people who are taking on a wide range of majors. If there are a few that appeal to you, you should do some research on them and see if you can finally nail your major down.