Considering the position of the sun in relation to your home may by the last thing on your mind when buying new windows; however, failing to account for this when choosing your windows could lead to a loss of energy and more money spent on heating your home.
Knowing which part of your home the sun hits when it is at its highest and strongest is a vital part of deciding whether you should install triple-glazed or double-glazed windows, and here we outline the impact the sun will have on your choice of window.
North-facing windows
In the UK, we live in the northern hemisphere and experience our sunlight from a southerly direction. This means that south-facing windows experience most of the sunlight, while north-facing windows experience limited or no sunlight at all.
We also need to considered the effect sunlight has on our windows. As sunlight hits your window, light and heat energy will travel through the glass and into your home; the more panes of glass your windows have, the harder it is for heat to transfer through. Triple-glazed windows are great for keeping heat in your home, although not so great for allowing it to permeate in; conversely, double-glazed windows let in solar heat more easily but lose heat at a greater rate.
Consider placing A++ triple-glazed windows on the north-facing side of your home, which receives little sunlight, as a way of retaining heat in your home.
South-facing windows and doors
South-facing windows and doors offer the best opportunity to benefit from the sun’s heat. A or A+ double-glazed windows and doors should be fitted, as the glass will allow the most heat through into your home. It is desirable to own a south-facing garden to take advantage of the sun, with French doors that lead onto your garden allowing plenty of heat into your house. These are available from suppliers of French doors in Dublin, such as
To make your home energy efficient, it is recommended that you fit a combination of triple-glazed and double-glazed windows and doors to take advantage of the sun’s heat and to trap warmth in your home. It is therefore important to ensure that you consider the position of the sun when next buying windows.