To reduce your belly, you do not need to fast; try, rather, to have breakfast with foods and drinks that help you burn fat.
One of the most common concerns, both for men and for women, it is able to eliminate the fat that accumulates on the belly area.
This is not a simple aesthetic need, but a real health problem that can lead to serious consequences.
When the fat on the abdomen increases too much, the tissues are subjected to stress and become inflamed. This situation in the long run can cause serious heart problems.
The fat on the abdomen, especially at the level of life, gradually stimulates the body to produce more cytokines, protein molecules that increase our resistance to insulin.
Dream of a flat stomach not only responds to the desire to see the most beautiful in the mirror. Reduce the waistline and treat our diet is essential for health.
Today we propose to start your day in the best way, with one of these three natural beverages.

1. Lemonade with mint for a flat stomach
One of the factors that make it more difficult to reduce fat from the belly is age. Whether we like it or not, over the years, our metabolism slows down.
- In women contributes especially the menopause. The drop in estrogen and progesterone leads to accumulate more fat in the abdominal area and makes it more resistant.
- Losing weight is not impossible with a proper diet. It is decided to disappear from your table in refined foods and begin to introduce this natural drink for breakfast.
- Lemon, warm water and mint help us to hydrate the body and disinfiammare the abdominal tissues.
The diuretic effect, purification, and the high rate of antioxidants contained in the mint lemonade is amazing. With this drink, we manage to eliminate excess liquid, accelerate metabolism and promote the expulsion of toxins.
- A glass of warm water (200 ml)
- The juice of one lemon
- A mint leaf
- Squeeze the juice from the lemon; chop the mint leaf: this way you can better exploit the flavor and active ingredients.
- Add everything to the glass of water.
- If you feel that your stomach cannot stand the juice of a whole lemon, usatene half or a little ‘less.
Begin the day with this drink is healthy and helps you to flatten the abdomen.
2. Smoothie blueberries, pineapple and pear
A healthy and delicious smoothie. One of the biggest reasons to choose this drink is its ability to regulate cortisol levels in the blood.
As we know, cortisol is a stress hormone. For some people, the higher the level of stress and anxiety as they lose weight; for others it is just the opposite, they tend to gain weight.
- This is due to the fact that cortisol acts differently in each of us, but it’s easier that its action is larger fat cells and make them more tenacious, especially in the abdominal area.
- The combination of these three fruits will help us make sure that does not happen.
You may also like to read another article on Srewang: Detoxifying drink with blackberries and sage for women’s health
The pineapple, for example, in addition to regulating the presence of cortisol, contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps to break down proteins, facilitating digestion and fighting the swelling.
The blueberries help prevent many infections and, together with the pear, are ideal for calming the states of stress; they also help speed up your metabolism, making you burn more fat on the abdomen.
- 10 blueberries
- 1 slice of fresh pineapple (125 g)
- 1 pear
- 1 glass of water (200 ml)
- Wash the ingredients. Peel the pears, cut into four parts; Cut the pineapple slice.
- Pour all the ingredients in the blender: blueberries, pineapple and pear. Blend thoroughly and add the glass of water.
It always eats in the morning.
3. Black Coffee
That’s right, a simple cup of black coffee, taken in the morning, it helps us to get a flat stomach and to protect the liver and heart.
- It is important to remember that in order to benefit from its natural properties, should not be added white sugar, milk and much less cream or butter.
- Caffeine is great to accelerate the metabolism, by means of thermogenesis. It helps burn calories, to dampen hunger and is rich in powerful antioxidants.
We are sure that your breakfast already provides for a cup of coffee; however, as we have already said, it is the black coffee to act as a natural medication on the arteries, the brain and the dangerous fat that is deposited in the abdomen.