In addition to helping you lose weight this smoothie is highly recommended if you suffer from fluid retention or if we make a clearance. In preparing endeavor always get fruit from organic farming.
We propose to take this smoothie melon, green apple and cucumber over 15 days in a row to be losing weight slowly and health.
It is a simple and medicinal remedy that will allow us not only cleanse the body and accelerate metabolism thanks to the presence of green apple, but also going to get an energetic and delicious drink to start the day.
If you also complement it with a balanced and varied diet, you will see good results within a few weeks. It is an excellent way to improve your diet, especially in this important part of the day as are our breakfast. Do not forget, yes; accompany it with some fiber and protein.
We explain everything we can do for you this shake melon, apple and cucumber, and how to prepare.

Shake melon, green apple and cucumber, health source
We start telling you something important and, at the same time, logical: do not include any sweetener recommend this drink. If you choose, for example, a slightly ripe melon, it will bring, and alone, a sweet pleasant and refreshing taste.
We seek above all to be a healthy, energetic and remedy cleanser. Therefore, it is important to shop organically grown fruits. It is a must since, in the case of green apple; we need to include your skin.
Let’s see how they can help each of these foods when losing weight…
Melon, refreshing and ideal for a healthy weight
- Choose the variety you want or whatever the season. The contribution just natural sugars in the melon flesh allow us to satisfy our sweet tooth without affecting anything our health (provided, of course, what we consume in moderation).
- Both melons and watermelons are rich in water and fiber and antioxidants barely contain calories, two great aspects be well sated and thus reduce the need to snack between meals.
- Nutritionists recommend we eat cantaloupe 1 cup (150 g) in the morning or afternoon as a snack, combined with other fruits, cereals or yogurt. It’s a great way to take care of our weight.
Green apples, satiating
In our melon smoothie we will add a green apple with its skin. The reason that this fruit is so appropriate to regulate our weight is very low in sodium and calories, but rich in antioxidants able to help speed up the metabolism.
- Green apple has just 80 calories per piece, and if we add its high fiber content, and understand why it is so appropriate to take this smoothie at breakfast.
- By eating an apple juice in combination with melon and cucumber, we allow the soluble fiber from starting work on the intestinal tract.
- Another interesting aspect of green apple is that it allows us to stabilize blood sugar levels, which is important for people with diabetes or at risk for diabetes people.
Cucumber, moisturizing
Although it may seem astonishing, cucumber comes from the same family as watermelon. Hence, it is another great food to hydrate, cleanse toxins, reduce inflammation and reduce our levels of cholesterol.
- One detail that is very useful to know is that this smoothie melon, apple and cucumber will help us combat fluid retention and reduce that feeling of “fullness” and heaviness we experience from time to time.
- In addition, the cucumber is rich in enzymes and vitamins, not forgetting that has the ability to stimulate blood circulation. Something fabulous, no doubt.
You may also like to read another article on Srewang: Shakes to reduce belly and get a narrow waist
How to make my smoothie melon, green apple and cucumber
- 1 cup melon (the variety that we desire) (150 g)
- 1 green apple
- 1 cucumber
- 1 cup water (200 ml)
How do I
The first thing we do is thoroughly wash both the apple and the cucumber. In the case of apples, we will include with your skin. So, cut into quarters and remove the seeds.
- As for the cucumber, you just have to peel and cut into several pieces to facilitate blending. Very easy.
- Also we chose the melon that we like, then get about one cup of their free seed pulp.
- We go to the mixer. Add melon, apple and cucumber cortadita. Get a well homogeneous juice, then add the glass of water.
- If you want to increase the purifying and detoxifying power of this shake you can include a splash of lemon juice.
However, only with this smoothie melon, green apple and cucumber get go losing weight, provided that the accompany of a varied and balanced diet.
Do you dare to try it today?